08 March 2010

woke up at 6, went over to mindef, was there at 830, the talk started at 945! wtf! wasted so much of my time
listen to a 15 mins talk, lol! dots!
rush back home to change and took a cab down, just in time for llunch! how cool! hahahaha. after that slack in vtw office, then went ot ah ho to have tea break, no wonder ppl say, we get fat easily! hahaha, back in time to fall out! alot troubles occur..

is about my sec bro houson.
his stupid gf timer him, what a bitch! nb, and she always access to his account and delete his friends, what rights does she have, blooooddy timer! so cute and pretty, what shit, u stop yr image BITCHH! still want come find trouble with me, childish! oh pls, sovle yr problem before finding me. yes, i am a scally cat, whatever, i just hate this childish troubles! bitchhh!

i am just counting down to the one month, hope it getting over soon, hope he will contact me soon :( suddenly feel weird when he nv msg me, a piece of loneliness in my heart, so lost and nowwhere to be found.